Friday, May 27, 2011

Status Update - 5/27/2011

Current weight 149.5

Yesterday I was so excited that I had finally gotten to the 150 mark without the aid of laxatives.  Today I am excited that I now below the 150 mark without the aid of laxatives!!!!!  WOOHOO.  I use to be disappointed when I only lost a 1/2 pound.  Then I reread some Q&A on the HCG and found that the average was .5 to 3 pounds a day.  So I am not on the higher loss range, but then again I do not have that much to lose. 
Yesterday for lunch I was not real close on following the diet.  I had a Cobb Salad, but I only ate 2 cups and it was a mix of different lettuces. I also ate the turkey, not the ham, but I had the egg.  I also had dressing, which is a no-no.  Went I got home from work I made a mini nachos and that is definitely not permitted on the diet.  So afterwards I went out and walked a mile. Then for dinner I made tacos for the family and I ate a little more meat than I am allowed along with some cheese.  After dinner I did my floor toning exercises and some crunches, so I guess I burned most of the calories off.  I wonder if I had been strictly foloowing the diet if I would have lost atleast 1.5 pounds????  No worries.
This weekend is a Holiday weekend and my 2nd daughter and her son are here to visit.  I am going to try to follow the diet as closely as possible, I am not sure how well I will do, but I am not going to beat myself up if I slip a little.  I know that if I ate something not on the diet I will need to work out to burn those extra calories, but this part of life and what I need to do to maintain the loss anyway.
Maintain a healthy weight is a lot of work, you have to have some idea of how many calories are in something so that if you eat it, you can work it off.  You certainly cannot sit down and eat an entire package of  Swedish Fish without getting up and exercising, even if the Swedish Fish are a fatfree food.  Eating an entire package of hotdogs with the works is not good for you whether you exercise or not, just saying.
Ok, well I most likely will not blog this weekend as I want to enjoy my family.
Go out, enjoy all the great stuff the Memorial weekend brings, the BBQ's, sun, swimming, family and friends.
Be safe, if you drink, do it in moderation (do not be a Jane), do not drive after drinking, watch your kids around water and use sunblock, the sun damages skin.
Peace out people!

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