Friday, May 20, 2011

Status Update 3

Current Weight: 151.4

Well I lost a pound, 1 freakin' pound, that's typical for me.  I really shouldn't be all upset about, becuase I already know how hard it is to lose a pound a week, let alone a pound a day.  I have 6.4 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight of 145. 
I was thinking that if I got down to 145 I would be in the healthy/ideal weight, but it so hard to tell, because all height measurements do not work for someone who is not an even 5' 6". I am 5' 6 3/4" so do I go with the height of 5'7"?  If that is the case then I would be in the healthy range at 140 - 143.  Right now my BMI is between 23.7 to 24.4 and considered in the normal range.
Mainly I just want to be happy with the way I look.  I have a picture of Sherman and I on my bookcase at work from this past Christmas and I had no idea that I was so heavy.  I told Sherman last night that once I hit my goal weight I wanted us to put on the same outfits and get our pictures taken again, minus the Christmas tree.  Of course we both may not even fit in those clothes.  He is losing weight also.  He is not trying to lose any, but the physical aspect of his training is doing it for him, so he is toning as well as losing.  He looks great and only getting better.
This morning I put on a pair of pants that were given to me, Chico's and they size clothing differently from any other clothing.  So these pants are a size 1.5 and at first they were a little tight, but this morning they fit great.  I still have a stomach pooch and I like to keep that covered, so I try to pick shirts that are meant to be untucked and come mid-way past the waist.  Yesterday I wore a black skirt with a white sleeveless top and a black jacket. I spent the entire having to turn the skirt back around as the zipper area was twisting. I thought that I looked really good in it, I am sure I didn't look bad, but it was obvious that the skirt was too big and just like wearing clothing that is too small can make you look bigger, so does wearing clothes that are too big. Everyone tells me I look great and that is a good feeling.
Yesterday I did not have as much trouble sticking to the diet as I did the day before.  When I got home last night, it was later than usual as I had some after hours work to do.  I had hoped that the family would have eaten already, just so that I would not have to smell the wonderful smell of pasta.  Unfortunately they hadn't and Barbara had a pepperoni pizza and Sherman was making a pasta dish with a red sauce.  It smelled delicious.  I went ahead and cooked my chicken breast with spinach.  It was good and after I had my Melba's and an orange for desert I was set for the night.  I did my floor exercises and got a full 8 hours of sleep.
I have a lot of people that ask if I am following the 500 calorie diet and then I have to explain to them that if I were to put the information into my daily intake is around 800 to 1000 calories a day.  Sure this is still lower than what my doctor has recommended, she suggested a 1200 calorie diet and that is what I follow when I am maintaining and will go back to once I have reached my goal weight.  A lot of weight gain comes not just from how much you eat, but the lack of exercise.  When I was in the food service industry I did not have to watch my weight as much because I was constantly moving.  Now that I work behind a desk for 8 hours a day I have to be sure that I do some sort of moving and actual exercising.  When I get home I tend to just sit on the sofa, because I do not have small children to clean up after.  For awhile there I was getting more exercise letting my dogs out in the morning than I was getting all day.  Now I get up and move at least an hour a day.  I know that I need to be taking advantage of this wonderful weather we have been having here in Phoenix and get during lunch to walk.  At first I was walking with someone else from work, but that didn't last long at all.  Today I believe that I will just go on my own, I have my music and headphones, I do not need company.  Next week it could be hot and then there is no walking during lunch. 
I have been considering taking some type of exercise class and I was thinking about kick-boxing, I think it would be fun and also a good way to realize frustration and get a good workout.  I just have to wait for a little more money to be coming in as right now there is no extra for these non-essential wants.
Well everyone, get out of the chair, off the couch and out from behind the desk, put on some tennis shoes, grab a bottle (reuseable) and be active.  It will aid in the loss of weight, tone your body and hopefully not leave you with saggy skin.

1 comment:

  1. Don't mind my typo's, I try to catch them all, but I am only human.
